Duty of Care

Duty of Care

Do you know where your travelers are?
Are they safe? Are they well? Is their data secure?

Duty of care is a serious responsibility in this time of globalization. As business travel has exploded into new markets worldwide, risks have grown significantly in size and scope while national regulations are increasing the organization’s burden of legal responsibility. As an employer, you should always know where and when your employees are in any given location. You must also know how to find them and communicate with them, should the need arise.

Types of Risk
Exposure to risk can increasingly be found virtually anywhere and occur any time of the day or night. Potential problems come in many forms and it is up to companies to secure their traveler’s well-being wherever they are. Threats and risks can include those that affect:

  • Personal health, safety, and mobility due to geopolitical turmoil including wars, coups, terrorism, disease outbreaks, and weather
  • Data, equipment, and individual security due to cyber attacks
  • Individual or corporate reputations
  • Operational capabilities globally
  • Financial and corporate productivity
  • Electronic communications

We can help. Travel Specialists has extensive experience in preventing travel into dangerous areas and supporting travelers in high-risk situations. Our duty of care services include:

  • 24/7 emergency reservations services
  • The experienced disaster recovery team
  • Destination information, alerts, warnings
  • Two-way communication with travelers
  • Ongoing traveler tracking and reporting
  • Health and trip insurance available
  • Visa and passport assistance
  • Medical assistance

Booking your hotels through Travel Specialists is especially important to your duty of care program since we seamlessly integrate your travelers’ hotels into our traveler tracking technology. With hotels integrated, we always know where your travelers are staying, so we can find and communicate with them quickly. Rapid response, assistance, and evacuation, if necessary, are key factors in a crisis, helping to ensure your travelers’ safety and security while also limiting your potential liability.

Travel Specialists uses robust, state-of-art technology tools for worldwide, 24/7 duty of care support. Today’s technology starts with mobile communications, and Travel Specialists – always a technology innovator – delivers. Our technology is user-friendly, flexible, reliable, and affordable:

  • Travel Specialists Go real-time smartphone mobile app enables communications with travelers, post-booking and in-transit. Trip alerts, itineraries, reservations, etc., are all available via mobile.
  • Fully integrated hotel sourcing and reservation technology greatly enhance traveler tracking capabilities by maintaining constant contact with travelers worldwide.
  • Powerful third-party tracking tools are available, including Sabre Security Suite, iJet, ISOS TravelGuard red24 and Travel Specialist Ltd Alert & Locate.
  • Customized client portal website can provide convenient, timely traveler communications.
  • FlightStats intelligent itinerary monitoring system sends email and cell phone alerts.