Travel Specialists LTD

About Travel Specialists Ltd

Now in our 50th year, Travel Specialists Ltd has established a superb record of providing comprehensive domestic and international travel management services to organizations of all types, as well as saving our clients’ time and money. We are an independent, woman-owned business that is more flexible, creative and responsive to its clients’ needs than are our larger competitors—and more capable, connected and technologically advanced than the smaller firms. With our “high touch, high service, low cost” approach, we will listen to your needs, we will provide services within your corporate culture and we will constantly strive to obtain the most economical arrangements. We operate in an honest and straightforward manner, and have always been innovators who stay on the forefront of travel technology.

Travel Specialists is one of the largest business travel management companies in the U.S., with more than $1 billion in sales. About 70% of our volume is in business travel, and 30% overall is international in scope. We serve corporations, nonprofits, government agencies, government contractors, educational institutions, and more.

Industry Leader Throughout its history Travel Specialists has been a travel industry trendsetter. We employ the most progressive web-based travel technology along with customer service centers that provide outstanding quality reservation services 24/7/365. Our robust technology infrastructure offers valuable choices and scalable customization to match each client’s needs.

Travel Specialists offers more choices. We offer unique travel solutions, not cookie cutter programs, for organizations of all sizes from small businesses up to Fortune 500 enterprises—that want to more effectively manage business travel and save money.

Global Scope
A core strength of our company is our global reach and ability to consolidate travel operations and reporting from worldwide sources into a unified, organized whole. With locations around the globe, Travel Specialists provides the best of both worlds—large company resources with small company responsiveness. Our global reach and affiliation with the GlobalStar network position us ideally to provide consolidated support for clients’ entire travel program.

Corporate Responsibility
Travel Specialists prides itself on being an active and positive force in the communities where we do business. We believe in corporate social responsibility and address, participate in, and respond to world and national events in the many and varied communities we serve. We are a certified Green Travel Management Company, offering various state-of-the-art reporting capabilities and tools that track CO2 footprints for clients. We are a nationally-recognized diversity business, and have regularly received diversity awards.


  • To achieve the unexpected
  • To prosper unselfishly
  • To lead by innovation
  • To learn continuously
  • To build through teamwork
  • To foster a positive attitude
  • and to respect one another . . . this is a mission possible